This page contains all the cool additional features that should be implemented in the future.

1. Detecting soundtrack album ✅

The ability to detect the album is a soundtrack. Probably by use of helper words in the album title. Example album names:

AMY (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Grease (The Original Soundtrack From The Motion Picture)

This is not a perfect solution, but it's a start. A lot of tests need to be done to make sure that the album is detected correctly.

<aside> ✅ Update: This feature has been implemented. All albums matching the keywords ["motion picture", "soundtrack"] (checked in that order) are indicated as soundtracks in the album page.


<aside> ⚠️ Although rare, this might return false positives if a non-soundtrack album has the word soundtrack in the title.


2. Showing details about the movie if the album is a soundtrack

If an album is a soundtrack, then little details about the movie can be shown in the album page somewhere below the bio (if any).

3. If the playing track is the first in the incoming queue, don’t restart

In case you are playing a certain track and then you click a new album, playlist or whatever and it happens that it’s the first one in that queue, just shift the old queue to place the playing track at the beginning. It should work how Youtube mixes work.

4. Ability to set folder banner (deprecated)